Monday, November 28, 2011

Very intersting on Sardars...

कुछ दोस्त मिलकर डेल्ही घूमने
का प्रोग्राम बनाते है और रेलवे
स्टेशन से बहार निकलकर एक
टेक्सी किराए पर लेते है , उस
टेक्सी का ड्राइवर
बुढ्ढा सरदार था,

यात्रा के दौरान
बच्चो को मस्ती सुजती है और
सब दोस्त मिलकर
बारी बारी सरदार पर बने
जोक्स को एकदुसरे को सुनाते है

उनका मकसद उस ड्राइवर
को चिढाना था . लेकिन
वो बुढ्ढा सरदार
चिढाना तो दूर पर उनके साथ
हर जोक पर हस रहा था ,

सब साईट सीन को देख बच्चे वापस
रेलवे स्टेशन आ जाते है ...और तय
किया किराया उस सरदार
को चुकाते है , सरदार
भी वो पैसे ले लेता है , पर हर
बच्चे को अपनी और से एक एक
रूपया हाथ में देता है

एक लड़का बोलता है
"पाजी हम सुबह से आपकी कोम
पर जोक मार रहे है , आप
गुस्स्सा तो दूर पर हर जोक में
हमारे साथ हस रहे थे , और जब ये
यात्रा पूरी हो गई आप हर लडके
को प्यार से एक-एक रूपया दे रहे
है , ऐसा क्यों ? "

सरदार बोला " बच्चो आप
अभी जवान
हो आपका नया खून है आप
मस्ती नहीं करोगे तो कौन
करेगा ? लेकिन मेने आपको एक-
एक रूपया इस लिए दिया के जब
वापस आप अपने अपने शहर जाओगे
तो ये रूपया आप उस सरदार
को दे देना जो रास्ते में भीख
मांग रहा हो , इस बात
को दो साल हो गए है और
जितने लडके डेल्ही घूमने गए थे सब
के पास वो एक रुपये
का सिक्का आज भी जेब में
पड़ा है ...उन्हें कोई सरदार भीख
मांगता नहीं दिखा

" MORAL: The secret
behind their universal
success is their willingness
to do any job with utmost
dedication and pride.

A Sardar will drive a truck or
set up a roadside garage or a
dhaba, run a fruit juice stall,
take up small time
carpentry.. but he will never
beg on the streets

Because Sikhs contribute:

* 33% of total income tax

* 67% of total charities

* 45% of Indian Army

* 59,000++ Gurudwaras
serve LANGAR to
5,900,000+ people
everyday &

All this when THEY make
only 1.4% of the total

Press like if you agree to this

Monday, November 7, 2011

Language communities of Twitter (European detail)


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Something is not right...

Its been a while since I wrote here, and today seems to be a good reason...

In today's Sunday Times of India, there are at least 2-3 articles that made me thought, "its not fair".

Comment on Sonu's exit by fellow strikers at Manesar Maruti Plant
After Sonu Gujjar's exit from the company, there are people in worker's saying that he did not know anything of labour laws, he just chose some populist issues and rode the wave.  My question to those workers is, "where was your feeling about Sonu's lack of knowledge when you were supporting his strike for umpteen days.  Now that he's not there, you are quick to come out and talk against it"

Notwithstanding his sudden disappearance, combined with reports about he and some other leaders receiving huge sums of monies for exit from Maruti, the intention should not be doubted.

Low wages in Gujrat in addition to low strikes rates
An article talks about why industries have been successful in setting up shot in Gujrat compared to other states, example in case being the Tata Nano plant.  The article further provides some statistics about how labour in Gujrat is paid less compared to rest of the country and some other states competing for such industrial units.

There is another factor, the state govt has setup a law/amendment to central law, that allows businesses to hire/fire workers rather easily.

My point then is, is it worthwhile for Gujrat govt to push for relatively higher wages for the labour when it can provide the business entities an assurance for a relatively calmer working environment, less losses, and therefore more productivity.  But I doubt if something in that direction is being thought about by the state government.

The new media council and Justice Katju's remarks
The media today is rather more powerful and is troubling govt by uncovering rather large list of scams and corruption instances.  In such a situation why is it that govt is trying to put a restrictive institution on the media freedom, rather than looking inside and figuring out as to why is it that there is so much muck to be found out and thrown all over the place ?

The idea that the media should be controlled by a panel consisting of govt representatives among others is highly prohibitive to the freedom of press that is given as a right in the constitution...