what are we ? we are what we experience. And some more. I bring together here, collective experiences from different parts of life..
Friday, November 28, 2008
Jaundice... Its nothing...
The doctor we saw last time with his serum bilirubin reports said that his jaundice is going to go through the roof in a day or two or three. However, our common sense prevailed over his advice and we took the baby home. Tried showing him some early morning sunlight for the week. (Actually less days than the week).
Today, when we saw a different doctor, he was of exact opposite opinion. According to him, for a baby of this age, such readings are perfectly ok. Its absolutely not a problem. According to him, there is nothing wrong with our baby as far as the jaundice goes.
Also, according to this doctor, the baby needs nothing in terms of medication. He was also of the opinion that the child should not be given any medication unless really necessary. The best medicine for the baby is mother's milk. One should not feed the newborn anything other than the mother's milk.
To the end of the whole examination, the baby boy comes back clean, no problems of any type, no medication needed. Just normal care and feeding needed. Feels absolutely great....
Thursday, November 27, 2008
When he wont stop crying...
Indian Mythology : Baby Naming
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Chhati ceremony....

Saturday, November 22, 2008
he's home...
Friday, November 21, 2008
Some research about jaundice to newborns...
Banking of Cord Blood for Stem cells...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The Fourth Day...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The third day...
Like every newborn, this kid has also developed initial symptoms of Jaundice. The result is on the expected lines, some phototherapy. Put the baby in the ultraviolet rays.
When the guy came over for extracting blood for the test, we were all so weary about this. Imagine extracting blood from a two day old baby, who barely has any blood in him anyway. But, the guy did a miraculous job of extracting blood for sample. The baby just didnt cry at all. He put in a needle to get the blood and took out about 2 ml out of him.
The efforts to put him under the phototherapy instrument have gone sour as well. He would stay with anybody, anywhere, but under the instrument. He would start music immediately.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
2nd Day Snaps....
There seems to be a lot of change already from the first day shots...

cutie pie....

Hey there... how u doing ??

Hi.. dont I look cute ??
The Second day...
- he got his first bath
- first change of clothes
Expecting a lot of crying trouble from the little one, we had much less of it. He was amazingly calm during the night and did not cry as much as the hype.
The bath was the event of the day for the little baby. He nurse handled him in such carefree way that I was shocked to the core. she was turning him around with utmost ease, as if he were some rubber toy. I would probably never be able to handle a baby as easily as she was doing.
Then there was this baby kit discussion and the usage of it. There were people suggesting the baby kit from Himalaya, and there were others suggesting to go for the tried and tested Johnson & Johnson's. It did consume some energy on the discussions, without result of course. Finally, I had to get the doctor intervene and he decided for J & J 's .
Today morning I got to see the kit in action, i.e. being used. It was used during the bath. Besides the expert handling of the baby, the nurse was great from the experience point of view as well. She was actually telling which components of the kit were great and which have some better alternatives available.
Well, the day has gone pretty smoothly. Fewer people to come visit, and I managed to get some sleep too.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Its the birthday today...
17th November 2008 has become one of the greatest days in our life now. Our firstborn, yet to be named officially, has entered the world today.
It was some pain for sure, since it was a cesarean section operation, but otherwise things have gone rather well. No complications except that she never had the pains. And therefore the surgery.
This has been a very long and interesting journey. Sometimes more interesting than others, and sometimes sad. Especially when we lost my mother, who was the single most interested person to see this baby coming into the world.
The attempts to get pregnant, talking to doctors in Switzerland, their views about it. They always said that we should not worry about getting pregnant too much, it would automatically happen when the couple is not so tense. That perhaps happened exactly the way. By end of feb/march we were bit tired of trying and had given it up on the mother nature.
The initial three months of pregnancy were spent in Switzerland. It was a mixture of happiness and anxiety, put together with nervousness of not doing anything wrong. But then it turned out alright, when we completed the first trimester without any issues.
Then came possibly the worst news one could expect when expecting a new member of the family. My mom passed away during the second trimester, and we had to rush back to India immediately.
Afterwards, nothing was same in our lives. The normal life, the pregnancy, everything was different then. We were missing her in lot many ways, especially the part that an elder has to play when there is a expecting female in the house. To a large part, her mom filled in, but nobody can replace another person, and so we still miss her in many ways.
Recently, when there were talks and discussions about having a normal delivery or a surgery, her presence was missed the most. She would have had her own opinion, and probably would make a lot of difference to the situation we stand in today.
When the baby was born, and I saw him for the first time, the first thing I felt was, “Oh god, her wish is fulfilled, if only she was present today to witness this.” It was a baby boy, something she wished for a lot, since my generation of people in our family only has daughters. It was much sought after.
We miss you mom, and will keep missing you. Probably, his arrival to our lives will only strengthen the absense we feel for you.
Remembering you,
Friday, November 7, 2008
Some Oracle data dictionary help...
select owner, object_name, package_name, argument_name, position, data_type, in_out
from all_arguments
where owner = (case when lc_user is null then user else lc_user end)
and package_name = (case when lc_pkg_nm is null then package_name else lc_pkg_nm end)
order by owner, package_name, object_name, position;
Further another view called all_source is also pretty useful if you have to look at the actual source code of a component.
Following links helped me on this -
- http://www.eveandersson.com/
writing/data-model-reverse- engineering#plsql - http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/
Forums/ShowMessages.aspx? ThreadID=48498