Thursday, July 15, 2010

winscp vs cuteftp

I recently had an experience of transferring relatively larger files from a windows box to linux one.

I had some files which were ranging from 2.1 GB to 4.x GB. The company traditionally uses cuteftp to transfer (read ftp) files across servers. So I started with that anyway.

However, all my transfer attempts were failing. After transferring 2 GB of data, cuteftp would end the transfer and give away some or other error message. I figured that this was happening only to files which were larger in size. And this transfer consumed more than hour or so before it failed.

Google couldnt help a lot, so, finally i got down to winscp. And, it worked out so well. Not only the transfers didnt fail, but they finished within minutes, instead of the hours and hours spent by cuteftp.

Perhaps its some setting somewhere in cuteftp that I couldnt find, but the whole experience has left me more inclined towards the open source community.

Thanks a ton guys .. :)

in reference to: Download WinSCP from (view on Google Sidewiki)

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